The purpose of this technology and the information it provides is to help improve our websites. Most Internet browsers give the user the general choice whether to accept cookies or not. It should be borne in mind, however, that cookies are sometimes essential in order to use certain functionalities (e.g. to allow the provision of user-specific information) which are offered on the Ceramer GmbH website. Further information on cookies can be found at
Personal information you give us voluntarily
The data we gather are not used to answer visitors' inquiries, to send e-mails or to provide visitors with information on new contents or services on our websites unless the visitors to the websites expressly request it. If you decide you do not want to receive any further letters or e-mails from us, please let us know by e-mail or letter, stating your exact name, postal address and/or e-mail address. We will then take care to ensure that your name is deleted from our mailing list.
Ceramer GmbH uses your personal data only for the purpose stated by you when you provide them. Ceramer GmbH does not disclose such data of a personal nature to other companies or institutions, nor does it sell such data, hand them to or exchange them with other companies or institutions unless you have been duly notified and have given your express consent. The foregoing principle always applies unless Ceramer GmbH is required to disclose and provide the data by law or in consequence of a legal judgment.
In order to personalize this website, you may be asked to provide data of a personal nature (e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address). Your refusal to give such data will have no further consequences, but in some instances it may prevent you from making full use of the site's functionality or obtaining the information you want. Whenever requested to do so, Ceramer GmbH will delete or amend information provided by you at an earlier date.
In the event of problems or queries, please get in touch with your Ceramer GmbH contact person on site or send us an e-mail at
Ceramer GmbH reserves the right to amend these guidelines at any time. The Data Protection Guideline does not form the basis of any contractual or other formal right vis-à-vis, or on behalf of, any party.