Thermal spraying is a suitable method for the production of coating systems made of Ceramer or composite coatings comprising Ceramer and other materials such as metals, ceramics or other plastics. This process has been widely used for a long time in the production of metallic and ceramic coating systems, and the technology is equally applicable to Ceramer.
Coatings can be deposited onto most substrate materials including metals, ceramics and plastics. Thermal spraying, whilst heating the material being deposited, does not require any significant heating of the substrate material.
It therefore enables components to benefit from surface properties available from Ceramer or composites based on Ceramer without significant detrimental effects on the inherent strength or other properties of the base material. Ceramer or combinations of Ceramer and other materials in a suitable powder form are deposited by one of the following established thermal spray processes: Powder combustion; plasma arc and high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) |